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AGING doesn't mean you have to get OLD.
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we can help you keep your independence.
1. REST  

​Be sure you have good sleep habits: Wake up at the same time each day. Only go to bed when sleepy. Get out of bed if not sleeping. Try to spend an appropriate amount of time sleeping. Don’t excessively nap. Avoid caffeine and nicotine close to bed time and don’t use alcohol to fall asleep.



Drink Water!: Make sure you are drinking enough water across the day. Water is essential to keeping your body running at its best. You should be drinking at least eight 8 oz. glasses. 



It is important to stop smoking, as this causes damage to your skin and tissues. It also decreases the oxygen levels in your blood which has multiple negative effects on your body. This prevents you from being able to be as active and can stall recovery from injuries. It is proven that smoking causes damage to lung tissue as well.



Exercise has an array of benefits that cause a decreased risk of other health conditions such as dementia, cancer, type II diabetes and falls. Daily activity, also helps with weight control, handling stress, improving mood, and increases your chances of living longer. It is recommended you moderately exercise at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week.



Moderation is the key.: It is recommended to have no more than seven drinks a week, or no more than three drinks any given day. Heavy drinking can cause many different issues such as liver damage, dementia and skin aging. However, as your body changes its ability to absorb and process foods and liquids your tolerance is lower and hangover effects are felt longer. Both hormonal changes and body compositions, such as the amount of fat to muscle ratio, are the reason behind this. It can also affect memory, leaving you more susceptible to forget, and it has a greater effect on your ability to move and react. This can cause an increase in your risk to fall.



Pain medications can cause many unwanted side effects: These can include nervousness, seizures, depression, dependence, constipation, and increased risk of falls. Besides prescription pain medications, you should check with your doctor and pharmacist about using over the counter medications as well. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aleve, Ibuprofen etc. These NSAIDs often can react with other medications and increase the risk of a stomach ulcer or bleeding. They also can increase your risk for kidney and heart issues. Do NOT stop taking or change any medication without consulting with your doctor first.


7. DIET  

Your daily diet should be balanced with fruits and vegetables, whole grains and appropriate amounts of protein. Sometimes jaw pain and issues with your teeth can make it difficult to eat some of these foods, be sure to try softer foods. Some examples of these could be canned tuna, yogurt, mashed sweet potato, low sodium soups and canned fruit packed in natural juices. Also, check with your doctor about supplementing with a multi-vitamin to make sure you are not missing out on what your body needs. 



It is important to volunteer, or work part time, with causes that are important to you. This is good for your mental health along with physical health. Volunteering or working on projects with others helps improve mood, prevents loneliness, and decreases your risk of high blood pressure. Often these activities require your physical participation which requires you to be active and connecting with other people. The more social interactions you have the better you feel and the longer you live. Staying engaged can give you the opportunities to help you try new things and leave a legacy for the next generation. On top of all these reasons, it is enjoyable and fun. 



It is important to continue to be active: Get up, move around, go outside, get fresh air, go shopping with your friends. Don’t let the things you used to love to do fall by the wayside. Benefits include increased muscle strength and endurance, weight control, control of joint pain and swelling due to arthritis. It also decreases the risk of stroke, dementia, falls, heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes and certain cancers.

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